Australian Souvenirs: Toy Bickies with Arnott's branding

Back in Stock & Arnott's Branding
BACK IN STOCK and now with Arnott's updated branding! So they look like even more of the real thing! A collection of 10 iconic Australian Arnott's toy biscuits. Wooden of course but just as delicious looking!
Dipped into a cup of tea or simply munched on their own. Arnott's Tim Tam, Teddy Bear, Iced Vo Vo, Delta Cream or Tic Toc; what's your favorite? We have recreated a selection of iconic Arnott's Australian biscuits for your children to enjoy. We're sure they will like these almost as much as the real thing.
Each biscuit is made of wood and makes a great accessory to any tea party or our iconic tea set. We included numbers on the reverse of each Arnott's biscuit to make learning one to ten - yum! And we like things neat to we also have the handy beautiful tin to pack them all away in afterwards.
Australian Gifts & Souvenirs
We design wooden toys and our Australia Toy Post Box and Melbourne Toy Tram have become icons of our range with new items becoming must haves for every home. We take on an entirely new tack on designer homewares, toys and quality Australian and Melbourne souvenirs. Our wood toys make great gifts for taking with you overseas and also perfect gifts for posting overseas. Discover our stylish selection of iconic Melbourne gifts and iconic Australian themed gifts with a nostalgic twist. With the perfect Australian themed toy for every occasion, find your new favourite wood toy online with us today.