What Mother's Day means to me 💛 + FREE download

Mum's & Carers love knowing that they are cherished and appreciated. As we spend a different kind of Mothers Day at home this year it's nice to reflect a little bit and take a slow pace to life.
On the Blog I share what Mother's Day means to me and what Mother's Day looks like at home this year. Discover again what the most important things are to us right now and try our 10 Questions to ask your kids on Mother’s Day.
I am lucky as my kids are much older now so sleep-ins are normal and not a treat. I know my kids will make sure I don't have any chores to do around the house and my husband will make sure I am well fed all day with his cooking. This year it might be a bit like ground hog day so maybe some home pampering with some face masks and then an afternoon on the couch watching a movie - but I get to choose this time!
I never thought I would have three kids so I am grateful that I am blessed three times. It's nice to be appreciated just for one day by the people that I put first all the time.
The ultimate Mothers Day would be to actually go outside and sit in a restaurant and eat! We will get back to normal life soon, I am sure....we just have to hang in there!
Right now it would be a holiday - anywhere! Soaking up the sun somewhere warm! Or even just a massage at a Spa. Soon as my local Spa is open again I am the first one in the door.
It sounds so stupid now but I loved all the silly old wives tales that we grew up with, such as "sitting too close to the television screen will make you go blind". My kids would be blind by now based on today's screen time!?!