We are 10 years old 🎂 & have learned a lot along the way!

Where does time fly?!!?
We cant believe that we are 10 years old. I only started Make Me Iconic from a corner of my bedroom and with only $5,000 investment. It seems like a crazy idea now but sometimes you just have to take a crazy chance. It started with a simple idea after we returned back to Melbourne after 10 years in London. With a Marketing Brand Management back ground I could see a clear a gap in the market at the time. I also struggled to get part-time work in Melbourne at the time as everyone said I was over-qualified or have only London experience. So I decided to create a job for myself and not let that "London" experience go to waste! It's been perfect for my family and I have been able to grow a business from home and still be a mum at the same time.
This business has evolved over time and I have also had to learn on how to adapt. We started off making tea towels, cushions and artwork locally and then slowly with time, branched out to making wooden toys overseas which I do feel really passionate about. We also started designing Melbourne iconic designs first and now we have a big Australiana range in full force. I am really really proud of our first iconic Melbourne designs which you might remember such as The Nylex and Skipping Girl. These are still some of my ultimate favorite designs.
We still have a few iconic Nylex artworks up online now - so get in quick for your last chance to purchase one of these rare beauties!
Designing and creating is the best part of my job. Although there is so much more to just designing a product that you also need to consider. I have spent hours on a product design in the past, and thought this is going to be a best seller and then it only flops on the retail floor. There have been other ideas that took me only minutes to design and come up with and they turned out to be a best seller! You can never win sometimes but I am grateful for every sale that I have. It's so wonderful to see my products in people's homes or for me to meet someone for the first time and walk into their home only to find a Nylex print or toy tram in their house! It still truly amazes me and I get such a buzz about it. I am grateful to all my loyal customers and stores, because without them I would not have a business.
I actually launched my business before social media and Instagram has started. Remember those days?!!? I literally just knocked on retail stores doors and asked if they wanted to buy my things! It seems so simple yet crazy to have done that looking back now. I can't believe I actually had the confidence to do that as I would struggle to do that today!
The last 10 years at Make Me Iconic has been amazing. I have had my ups and downs and stressy moments but I would not have it any other way. Thank you for all your support. It's been a wonderful ride....