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Our toys are gender neutral & designed for open ended play 👌

make me iconic wooden toys


make me iconic wooden toys


make me iconic wooden toys

It's so important that children have fun playing with their toys as toys can also be such an important part of every child's learning and development. Here at Make Me Iconic we just love the open-ended nature of wooden toys. It's part of our passion to create a beautiful range of open-ended and gender neutral toys for all children to enjoy for years to come. There are so many benefits to wooden open-ended toys, we've highlighted a few of our favourite benefits below. Our aim is for kids to love the toys that we make (and also for us to have fun in the process of creating them)! You can read below to find out more...  


make me iconic wooden toys


make me iconic wooden toys


make me iconic wooden toys


Wooden toys are great at helping perfect those fine motor skills of growing children. Stack those wooden blocks high or push that wooden toy tram around and don't forget to find the seat holes for the little people! The heavier and more solid construction of toy works to help with coordination.


make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys


make me iconic wooden toys


make me iconic wooden toys




make me iconic wooden toys


Wood toys keep kids busy and they are actually doing some serious learning right before your eyes. Wooden toys are usually open ended and simple, so kids need to create their own play. Children's imaginations fly when toys don't do all the work for them.  Wooden toys require no batteries, have no flashing lights, no loud noises and no plastic. However they do provide endless opportunity to use real old fashioned imagination. Wooden toys are a definite MUST HAVE for any household wanting to stimulate their child's imagination and creativity with toys that will not only provide hours of entertainment but are reminiscent of the high quality wooden toys of yesteryear



make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys


We love seeing boys and girls play with our toys. All of our toys are gender neutral where they are not painted pink or blue and for the most part they are just simply coloured by their natural wood tones. They are not targeted to any one specific group apart from age groups. 


make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys


Even if a wooden toy costs more up-front, their sturdiness means they will last that little bit longer.  So instead of having to replace within a few months as many plastic options require, delightfully crafted wooden toys are made to last for decades. We are also trying to reduce those "surprise" novelty toys in our house hold as its only the unwrapping that our kids like to do. Once they get to the surprise plastic toy at the end they are not interested and left unwanted on the floor. As my youngest gets older and less time for play because of school, its always the wooden toys she like to spend time with and sets up a Doll feeding station or Super market Checkout with all her wooden toys.


make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys


Our Toy Testing Standards


make me iconic wooden toys


The quality of all our toys is very important to us at Make Me Iconic so we actually invest a lot of time and money into our toy testing. 

All of our Iconic toys conform to the Australian and New Zealand toy testing standards and are carefully crafted using non-toxic materials. We are also now expanding our toy testing to include U.S. & European toy testing standards.

All of our wood toys are clearly marked for the right age. Age recommendations on toys are helpful, because they offer a guide to you. We really don't want to alarm you, we want you to enjoy our toys and have fun and play safely.

We just wanted to remind you that we work hard as a small company to ensure ALL our toys are Quality Toys.

Shop Iconic imaginative play...



make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys



make me iconic wooden toys



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