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School holiday 💡 ideas!

School holiday 💡 ideas!







School holidays have almost arrived and we have been busy thinking of fun play ideas for your little ones... 

It's a great time to get out and spend quality time together. Refresh and recharge and make the most of the Autumn weather before it starts to get too cold. Check out a few of our play ideas below... 
















Looking after the little scrapes and bruises that come from a day’s adventuring can be simple as a trip to the garden or the kitchen cupboard if you have your favourite natural products well stocked. Healing can entail different things in families that might have a more natural-minded, holistic view of life. Sometimes those aching muscles, scraped shins and energetic little bodies need only the simple things. Soothe Teddy’s bruises with Arnica Cream, keep your Dolly healthy with Vitamin C or help Bunny’s cold with Bone Broth soup. Practice at home what you preach to your own family.




It is just so nice to just get out in the sun and fresh air and just play. 







This fantastic role play kit will make a wonderful accompaniment to your kids’ play time by adding a more nature-based element to the standard doctor kit. It promotes imaginative play while encouraging nurturing behaviour, empathy, and an appreciation for healthy living lifestyle. All pieces are child sized and made of wood or felt which hold-up better over time.













You know you're an Aussie Kid when you eat Vegemite on toast for brekkie (and can sing a little song about it) or if you know what it means to say "it's going straight to the pool room". To be an Aussie kid you have to have the real Aussie stuff and not the fleecy polar bear or the African elephant - those animals just don't exist here unless we see them in the Zoo. So we felt every Aussie kid should have a set of rare Aussie wood animals in their home to just simply play with, in honour of our unique flora and fauna.







One thing everyone knows about Australia is that it’s home to some of the most interesting wildlife you might ever see.  From cuddly and cute to totally petrifying, the animals of Australia are certainly interesting and unique. And with such a huge variety we could not fit them all in this neat little box but tried to give you some of the most well loved and possibility well know Aussie animals.




Who doesn't love a little game of skill? The goal is to hit the ball with the paddle as many times as you can in a row and it's more tricky than it seems! Designed as a one-person game, it's great for encouraging active play and is ideal for adding into party bags. Re-live the joy of your childhood with this simple Paddle Ball classic toy. Try to hit the bulls eye or count your hits and get creative. Perfect for developing hand eye co-ordination. The paddle is light and made from plywood and has a rubber ball attached with an elastic cord to make for an easy game to take on a trip to the beach, park, playground and beyond.




Part of our Loose Change range this toy is affordable and great quality. Our Loose Change range makes great Christmas Stocking Fillers or small Birthday Gifts. Beautifully finished and just takes a little bit of loose change to purchase.






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