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Time for your next adventure! 🏕️ with our Camp Fire & Ute!

Time for your next adventure! 🏕️ with our Camp Fire & Ute!

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

When you have little ones at home, one of the best things about winter's arrival is the outdoor play without worrying as much about sunburnt skin and overheated toddlers! We say embrace the cooler, cosier weather and set up for a day of play outside, in nature. With your collective imagination, a few props and their favourite toys, you can create hours of play with your kids, creating memories and family traditions you'll all cherish.

Take inspiration from this beautiful play set up, and share your play creations with us!

image credits @willadomantay

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gifts


make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

Adventure awaits

Celebrate a love for the great outdoors with these iconic wooden toys...

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

make me iconic wood toys

Days of camping are forever ingrained in our minds, as well as arguments with our siblings. What we found ourselves cooking over-and-over again is damper and boiling tea from the Billy Can. Our Aussie Camp Fire set lets you recreate these outdoor memories - in the comfort of your own home if you don't feel like getting your fingers dirty or sleeping bags wet. And perfectly-on-point in front of your indoor tent or tepee.

We love pretend fun around a campfire and this camping set has all of the perfect accessories to make these memories! It comes complete with tripod to hold the Billy Can and sits flawlessly above the flames & logs. Roast some felt marshmallows using your camp fire stick or try cooking a prawn or sausage. She'll be right mate and pass me a cuppa.This is our impression of the Aussie Camp Fire with all the nostalgia you would expect and love from a classic wooden toy. So let them open their minds to a good old fashioned Aussie camp fire. Kumba Ya.

make me iconic wooden toys Australian gift and souvenirs

make me iconic wood toys

Rumour has it the "Ute" came about from a letter a farmer wrote to Ford asking for a "vehicle to take his wife to church in on Sundays and take his pigs to market with on Monday's". The Ute has been a much loved part of the Australian iconography since the 1930's. From the Jackaroo, to the Farmer, the Revhead Tradie the iconic Ute fits the bill. So whether you want to throw your surfboard in the back, bring your dog to the park or take your tools to the job, a Ute is likely to be you ride of choice. We have created our impression of the Ute with all the nostalgia and love you would expect for a classic toy for your little one. So let them open their minds to all the jobs this classic vehicle supports - or just a cruise down the open road to the beach. Vroom Vroom. 

Comes complete with 3 passengers and accessories. It has wheels on the bottom (for vroom vrooming) and the lid comes off the top to access the passengers.


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