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Creative Easter 🐰 food with our toys! Yes, you have read that correctly!

Creative Easter 🐰 food with our toys! Yes, you have read that correctly!




We have put together a few playful ways to decorate your Easter treats!




To celebrate special occasions such as Easter, we always love thinking outside the box and creating fun new family traditions. These beautiful Easter cakes and hot cross bun creations are such a unique Easter surprise, or a fun holiday activity to prepare with your loved ones! Topped of course with some classic Make Me Iconic goodies from our online faves, you really can't go wrong this Easter!

Happy Decorating!




How easy is it to decorate a Easter cake using our wooden candy toys on top! All you need to do is raid the toy cupboard and find our iconic candy jar toy. Give the wooden pieces you want to use a quick wipe with soap & water (but make sure you don't completely emerge then in soapy water!). Just a quick wipe with a damp cloth that has been soaked in hot soapy water will do. You could add a little disinfection spray to the cloth because after all the wooden toys will sit on top of the cake. Decorate and arrange the pieces how you like. Remember to remove them before cutting and eating the cake. These wooden toy pieces are not for eating! Use edible flowers to decorate the side of the cake or any other edible sprinkles you might have in the cupboard.





Why not make hot cross buns even more super tasty with this simple idea!

Ingredients List:

- Hot Cross Buns (normal or toasted)

- Chocolate Sauce 

- Easter Eggs

- Fruit

- Whipped Cream

- Edible Flowers


Decide is you want to have your hot cross bun toasted or fresh - firstly. If you would like it toasted then you need to do that as your first step. Cut your hot cross bun in half and place it in the toaster or grill. Be careful not to burn your hot cross bun as we find that they do burn quickly! While the hot cross bun is toasting, then whip up some cream in an electric beater. Once the hot cross bun is ready place the whipped cream on the bottom of the hot cross bun. Then add your toppings! Add fruit first then the chocolate  Easter mini eggs. Place the lid of the bun on top and then add some dripping chocolate sauce over the top and decorate with edible flowers. Easy!

Making Easter Memories










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